
Firestarter Kit


We know you love Kentucky Hemp Works firestarters because they’re fast and so easy to use! But you’re missing out on the fun so we decided to change that with our Firestarter Kits!

Even though we do our best to make our products fully sustainable, there is still more everyone can do to reduce their waste and save money.  

This was the idea behind Kentucky Hemp Works Firestarter Kits.  We use leftover and recycled materials like hemp, wax, and hempseed oil to hand-make firestarters, then we package them and sell them.  And while we think our firestarters are the best thing ever, we realize that the concept of DIY firestarters has been happening since the Dawn of Man.  We didn’t invent kindling…but we did figure out a way to quickly start a fire with hemp seeds and stalks…and we want to share it with you!

These kits include everything you need to make several packs of hemp firestarters from scratch using our own fancy hemp recipe.  More importantly the kit contains all the tools needed to make firestarters safely at home and on the road without making a mess.  You can use your Firestarter Kit with your own recycled materials like scrap candle wax or dryer lint.  There are thousands of recipes available online and at fireside retreats all over the world.  Just toss everything in your handy green bucket and go!

See videos of our Firestarters in action on TikTok and purchase refills at kentuckyhempworks.com/product/firestarter-kit-refill

SKU: FSKit Categories: ,
Weight4.5 lbs
Dimensions9.75 × 9.75 × 10.5 in

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